Why do children need pets

Not just a new inhabitant appears in the house, but a true friend and pet of the whole family and https://argoprep.com/blog/building-professional-learning-communities/. What exactly will a pet be useful for a child:

Games and communication. Children forget about loneliness and boredom while playing with pets. It is interesting to watch them and you can entrust the most intimate secrets.
Development. Caring for a pet teaches hard work and composure. Children develop emotionally, feeling their importance and degree of responsibility for a living being.
Inspiration. Funny animals are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Children draw, photograph, describe them in verse and even mold them from plasticine.
Moral standards. It is animals and https://argoprep.com/blog/restorative-justice-in-schools/ that teach people compassion, empathy and unconditional love.
Vaccination against selfishness. The child learns to share the attention and love of parents with other family members, even if they are fluffy and tailed.
Health. In families where dogs live, children are 31% less likely to get upper respiratory tract infections. Daily walks with four-legged animals strengthen the immune system, harden the body and help to realize excess energy.

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