Yoga liberates the subtle body

A subtle experience is also possible by practicing hatha yoga and and working through your clamps and blocks at the energy level. The body is with us throughout our lives. There is a description that the body is a “bod for life”, that is, a material substance, a “machine” that is a link between the subtle reality and the material reality for a certain period of time.

Much of the health of our bodies is determined by our diet, exercise, heredity, in other words, by external factors, but most of the physical body is determined by the subtle body.

Many children are born already with diseases or with characteristics that are determined by their character. There is even such a separate discipline as psychosomatics, which deals with psychological problems at the level of physical manifestations in the form of diseases in the body, various stiffnesses. By remembering our experiences with the body we can also get in touch with the more subtle layers of ourselves.

In yoga it is believed that blockages on the physical level are caused by energy blocks on the level of our subtle body, in other words, it all starts at the level of energy. By beginning to work on the physical body we can connect with the subtle body. You often see this in yoga classes when people do a yoga posture of flexibility and ease and open up their internal blocks. Gradually, as we become more flexible on the mat, we can notice that we also become more flexible and fluid in life.

You can remember the stories of hatha yoga teachers how they can sit in one asana for hours and feel goose bumps on your back, the warmth that arises at chest level, or the tremendous release of inner resources that were hidden by the same inner clutches.

By getting to know our bodies carefully and including mindfulness, we may notice that different kinds of clamps are present in different areas of our bodies, and by pulling and releasing them, we can certainly experience subtle sensations on an energetic level.

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