Five tips from a psychologist on how to help your child do well in school

First time in first grade. A child discovers a new stage in his or her development as a person. But it doesn’t always go smoothly. You aren’t born with good study skills, so some students need extra help, attention, and even guidance. Agree that parents play a huge role in a child’s learning, especially when they fail. How to help children with learning and even teach them how to get good grades in school we will tell you in our article. First of all, explain what are the cognates.

1. Communicate with your child

Communication is fundamental to the development of children. It is important for it to be clear and simple. Communication between parent and child – the basis of their relationship, it also affects learning. If the baby comes after school in a bad mood, ask about his problems. All the troubles that happen to him at school can affect his aversion to the learning process. A conversation helps the child to solve the problem, eliminate the annoying factor and calmly return to his usual routine. Children should not be afraid or embarrassed to tell their parents about what happens at school.

2. Organization of the daily routine

A properly organized day

is the

key to successful and productive learning. If you want to fully develop your child and influence his performance at school, then it is necessary to instill in him a love and responsibility for other important and useful things.

The right mode helps to improve health, to direct energy in the right direction, to intelligently organize human activities. But we must remember that overload already affects the nervous system. It is necessary to find a happy medium.

A child’s schedule

should include the following important elements: sleep, walk, study and education, eating, play activities, self-development, personal hygiene, dra reading level assessment.

3. Supervision of homework

In the process of learning, your child gets a lot of information. And homework reinforces the passed material in the student’s memory. But children can sometimes be inattentive in class or simply don’t understand the topic. That’s why parents need help to finish understanding the material, so that the child feels confident and responsible. You need to encourage him or her and create a comfortable environment for doing homework.

4. Proper nutrition

For anyone, a proper and balanced diet is a source of energy. It also affects your health and improves your memory.

Children do not always like to eat in canteens, so they buy something that will not do any good for the body. Try to make a healthy menu for your child and monitor his food intake.

5. Teach your child to be independent

This point means to awaken in the child such qualities as: discipline, responsibility, autonomy, self-confidence, knowledge of what is present simple. Let him make his own decisions, make his own choices. Don’t forget that difficulties or troubles make your kid stronger and teach him/her to cope with them independently.

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