Key Wellness Yoga Treatments

Oyogic cleansing of the body – Shatkarmah – in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika it is said (verse 21) When fat or mucus is excessive, pranayama should be preceded by shatkarma. Nowadays, the ecology is no longer there, the daikors give such healthy milk, in general, “fat slime” (Ama – can be translated as toxins, more precisely) – today almost everyone is “excessive”. If you can’t run a marathon, chances are you have a fair amount of Ama (toxins) in your body. Initiating a yoga practice is worth the cleansing. Be sure to do the techniques: Shankha-Prakshalana (“Shell Gesture”), practice Agnisara-Dhauti, Kapalabhati, Jala-neti, Nauli and Trataka daily. How to do Shatkarmas correctly these days? — we discussed. Although it is sufficient to do the Conch Gesture once a year, the rest of the Shatkarmas are usually required – depending on the state of health – to be done almost every day. Once the practices are mastered, they do not take much time.

Asanas are the next step in yoga after cleansing. Yoga asanas are not physical exercises, and are not designed to improve the quality of muscle mass. These are special positions of the body that affect the endocrine system in a special way – the endocrine glands that secrete hormones and thus regulate all the vital functions of the body – and not muscles, ligaments, tendons. Therefore, asanas are performed statically and 1 time per session, and not by approaches (many times) and not with strength, and not in dynamics. Lack of understanding of the methodology of practicing asanas nullifies their health benefits. Key asanas: Svastikasana, Gomukhasana, Virasana, Kurmasana, Kukutasana, Uttana Kurmasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyaasana, Paschimottanasana, Mayurasana, Shavasana (according to “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” by sage Swatmarama). Asanas are performed with special breathing and special concentration, squeezing special muscle locks (Bandhas) and performing special gestures (Mudras). It is better to entrust the choice of asanas for you to an experienced instructor, an expert. A little about the layout of asanas.

Pranayamas are yoga breathing exercises. They develop their lung capacity (VO Max) – a key indicator of health and athleticism in the human individual. But they also train

Interracial Group of Three Beautiful Women In Yoga Position

the mysterious life force or “energy of health” – prana. The existence of prana has not been proven by science, but it is quite possible that by “prana” the ancient yogis meant a set of concepts such as cell health (mitochondria, especially) and the ability to effectively carry out energy exchange processes. Other times – different terminology. But the feeling of strength – or weakness – in the body – remains, as it was 5,000 years ago, an important indicator of the standard of living. Key pranayamas: Agnisara-dhauti, Nadi Shodhana pranayama, Samaveta pranayama, Bhastrika pranayama. Pranayamas are performed 1-4 times a day, and taking into account the season (cold, hot, rainy).

Meditation is also an important part of yoga, because. It is meditation that can permanently eliminate distress – chronic nervous stress that hundreds of millions of people on our planet experience today. But meditation goes beyond just “anti-stress”, allowing you to awaken the hidden psychic (mental) and energy (pranic) reserves of the body of each person. This is both work with the latent energy of Kundalini, and simply an increase in the actual capabilities of the brain.

The benefits of yoga, therefore, are comprehensive, and go much further than eliminating the consequences of physical inactivity and maintaining normal muscle tone in a modern person. There is an accelerated loss of knowledge of authentic yoga these days, and it is high time to acquire this knowledge in order to pass it on. If you are seriously interested in yoga, and you dream of bringing this knowledge to people, join the Guru-lab yoga instructor course – you can start classes from any day.

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